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Kearney Tournament 2016


Pre Tournament

Kearney tournament was held on 12th and 13th with two full days of fighting. This event was local for us and only 20 min from our front door! To help grow this local event my husband and I hosted as many fighters as we could stuff into our house. The day before the event was set up for anyone who arrived early enough; they set up tents, a barricadeĀ for the fighting arena, and much more. We ended up having 9 women in attendance which is a LOT of women fighters. We were able have two teams with substitutes and get some solid fighting in. (more…)

Wrapping Up

It’s been quite an adventure this year! Only made possible by a great team with many friends and training partners. There have been too many exceptional people on this journey and I fear I may miss some acknowledgments but the one who has had my back and tagged along on all my crazy endeavors (more…)

Aquathon Nationals


I have never been this under-prepared for a race since 2014. Post Ironman training, I took about two months off to do cross training and try something new. (You can read more about that adventure here.) In planning for next year and what goals I may have a girlfriend from Rhode Island (more…)