Support Network

As my husband and I are driving home from 5 days unplugged and away from all of our responsibilities I am reflecting on just how much having a support network is vital. We just celebrated our five-year anniversary; there have been ups and downs but through it all my husband is my biggest cheerleader (ringing in a close second are my parents).

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A New Year

It’s that time of year again where it’s customary to make New Year Resolutions. I am not fond of this tradition and the underlying presumption that comes with it. New Year Resolutions have an expectation to be broken and then try again next January 1st. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of not if you will break your resolution, but when.

Instead I like to (more…)

Vineman Registration

Now that the training run is over it’s time to put the big girl tri-shorts on and get serious! Very fitting that the priority registration for this was right after two cities marathon.12187735_10208018788849244_4413598933397181962_n