Category: Training for Two

Articles pertaining to training and racing during pregnancy including stories of my journey to nationals.

Miamiman Race Weekend


I said I would be blogging along this journey but honestly there hasn’t been much to say, other than the mental hurdles I posted on Instagram, it’s been a pretty easy few months. Mentally it was tough to back off and go slow. I had to train and race in just zone 2 and give up my tri bike. Both of these were tough but early on I deliberately surrounded myself with athletes that were supportive and had my back.


Breaking Through the Stigma

I’m fourteen weeks pregnant and now that it’s finally public I’m going to start sharing my journey of growing a tiny human while training and racing at aquathlon and aquabike nationals. There’s a lot of stigma around pregnant women exercising and staying active. Hopefully sharing my journey educates some people or encourages an expectant mother to stay active and exercise throughout their pregnancy. Every pregnancy and woman’s body is unique. Most importantly talk to your OB about your current fitness activity and what you currently have planned so you can make decisions together what you can do, what you should modify, and what you need to drop.
